Wednesday 28 January 2015

Certificate of good standing!!

Oki dokes...Cool!...My SANC certificate of good standing has arrived at AHPRA!... Now for some waiting. :)

Tuesday 27 January 2015

To Course or not to Course...

This is what I found out with regards to the possible bridging course.

If you submitted your application to AHPRA, they can reply to you with one of three outcomes:

You are fantastic, we are going to register at Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, so that you can come and work in Australia...YAY!!! :-)
You are ok, you stink a little bit! is a letter that you can take to one of the approved nursing facilities to register for a bridging course, which will make you stink a little less. :-/
MMMmmmm... You stink bridging course is going to help the only way you will ever be able to work in Australia, is to start all over again, and study at a recognized institution, preferably an Australian nursing institution. :-(

So if it happens that they require you to do a bridging course, you can find a list of AHPRA approved courses on the AHPRA website (find the link under my useful links)

I am still waiting on my verdict, but if I'm gonna be required to do the course, I'm going to register at the Australian College of Nursing in Australia. Not for any other reason than the fact that my sister stays in Sydney...So I would possibly be able to stay there. I had a look at the outline of the course and also the fees. The fees for 2015 are 10 000 AUD, which is quite a lot, especially for someone getting paid in Rand. Today, 10,000 AUD is 95,982.50 Rand. 

So for now we wait.. lets hope for the best.



Sunday 25 January 2015

Finally some progress!

Finally some progress with the documents! Seem like its on its way to Sydney, Australia. I hope it will be delivered tomorrow.. LETS SEE!! :)

Once its received, the countdown can begin. They say it takes 6-8 weeks.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Oh no...spoke too soon. ;/

I called the courier company to track the documents sent to AHPRA by the SANC (South African Nursing Council). They assured me that the documents are now in Johannesburg and will soon arrive in Ireland.... Ok...NO WHAT!?!?!...Ireland? Last time I checked I am immigrating to Australia... Phoned SANC again to inquire about this. The person on the line responded as follows: "uuuhhhh, please call me back tomorrow ma'am, I have to sort this out..."
Well lets see. I will phone again tomorrow to see where the documents are. 


I spoke to the person in charge of sending the certificates of good standing, and I am super pleased to say that mine has been sent! So AHPRA should receive it tomorrow! YAY!!! thing are happening! 


Tuesday 20 January 2015

Getting started!

The most difficult and annoying part of this whole process, is the 'getting started' part! So many forms to fill, info to get from somewhere (Finding out where is somewhere..), document certification, document certification, document certification.... See what I'm getting at? Well I am happy to say that after a few months of struggling, that I am well on my way. I have submitted my application, a stack of almost the size of those thick old school bibles, for Nursing Accreditation to AHPRA. For me, dealing with AHPRA, wasn't a hassle at all. Once they received the documents, they mailed me immediately to inform me. It was the gathering of all the documents that made me crazy. AHPRA specifies exactly what they want and how they want it, which at least added some structure to the whole process. Part of the application requires you to have SANC send a certificate of good standing, sort of proof that you are registered, directly to AHPRA. I am in the process of getting this done. So even though I've paid the R1500 to SANC to do this, and even though I've applied for this to be done, in November 2014, it still hasn't been done. I phoned the person in charge of this, and he assured me that it will be done this week. So finger crossed...