Wednesday, 17 June 2015

And this is what they answered

They answered me immediately! Cool right...!! This is what they said:

Dear Mrs Mendonca

Your application will be presented on 16 July 2015 (date subject to change). You can expect to hear an outcome in 4 Week’s time from then.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards, 

I will follow up on  Monday 17 August 2015.

See you then

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Lets wait nervously..

After admitting my documents on the 14th of May, I have received a mail from AHPRA on the 21st of may stating the following:

"I confirm that we have received the required documents from you and your file has progressed. Your file needs to be prepared and presented to Board for review. We would endeavour to present your file to Board either in late June or early July, these are the next two available Board meetings to which it looks feasible for presentation."

So ever since  that day I have been nervously waiting...and I am still doing that. I thought that I would just send them an email again tonight just to find out whether it will be June or July.

I will keep you updated.
